Meet Janet

Janet is so passionate about Pilates and Somatic movement. Relax, renew and reinvigorate and soon you will be having more fun than humanly possible.

Chandler Farr

Movement Practitioner
Registered Clinical Somatic Movement Educator
Balanced Body Educator and Pilates Master Instructor
Licensed Advanced Sports Massage Therapist (UK)
UKA Performance Coach and Biomechanics Specialist

Janet is the owner and director of the Movement Integration Studio; a comprehensive Pilates and Clinical Somatics Studio based in Fort Worth, Texas and an Educator for Balanced Body Pilates Teacher Certifications.

She has practiced Pilates since 1988 and it was during her studies in Physical Therapy at Texas Women’s University that she decided to pursue a career as a Movement Practitioner.  Janet is certified by the Pilates Method Alliance (PMA), Polestar Pilates International, studied Classical Pilates with the Pilates Standard and is a Master Instructor and Educator for Balanced Body Pilates.

She hold BA’s from the University of North Texas and post-graduate Diplomas in Biomechanics and Human Movement, as well as being an Advanced Sports Massage Therapist.

Janet is a Registered and Certified Clinical Somatic Educator and member of ISMETA  and in 2014 was the first to introduce Clinical Somatic Movement to York in the UK.  Now based in Texas, Janet is excited about the many offerings of services and workshops dedicated to helping people get out of pain and move freely for her clients in person in Fort Worth and Benbrook as well as online throughout the world.

Janet also provides Balanced Body instructor training programmes in a bespoke boutique setting and relishes opportunities to share her passion and broad knowledge through mentoring and supporting others.

In addition, Janet delivers workshops and seminars in Pilates, Somatics, and functional movement as well as running group and private Pilates, Somatics and reformer sessions.

As a former middle distance runner and with over 30 years in the fitness and movement science industry, Janet’s knowledge of the body and biomechanics enhances her work as a teacher, educator and movement practitioner. Janet’s passion for her work is infectious and her desire to enable clients to develop a deeper sense of awareness through movement, strength, flexibility and pain free movement is inspiring.

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